It's surprisingly easy to get baby-soft skin - Learn the secret!

It's surprisingly easy to get baby-soft skin - Learn the secret!

The skin truly is amazing! New skin cells form at the deepest layers and move toward the surface until they die and flake off. The speed of this process is driven by 2 major steps –the new skin cells forming, and the dead cells flaking off the surface.

In babies and toddlers, it only takes around 5 days for this process to happen. That is why babies' skin always looks so fresh, smooth, and even – we all know it as baby-soft-skin.

Teenagers' skin takes around 14 days to go through the cycle.

In your 30s and 40s, it takes the skin around 30 days.

And after the 50s it can take between 45 and 90 days. Plus, as we age, the dead cells on the surface become a little “stickier” and less prone to flake off quickly.

BUT, the good news is people can speed up their skin cycle no matter what age they are!

The secret is encouraging both steps of the skin cycle - the new skin cells forming, and the dead cells flaking off the surface.

Lucky for you, our Radiance Jojoba Bead Scrub and Mask is formulated to do exactly that! It is formulated with premium oils (like Golden Jojoba oil and sunflower seed oil) that go to the deeper layers of skin and activate antioxidant and anti-inflammatory genes. This response takes away the barriers that block healthy skin cell growth which is what we want because it encourages the skin to naturally make fresh new cells.

In addition, our Scrub contains jojoba beads, gentle exfoliators that get rid of the top layers of dead skin. Unlike other natural exfoliants like apricot seed, walnut or almond shells, or even sugars, jojoba beads are smooth and spherical in shape. This means that the top layers of skin are removed, but there is no damage to the skin caused by rough, uneven exfoliants.

By removing these layers, you encourage new skin cell growth because the only way your skin can replace these cells is to make new cells at the deepest layers, speeding up the skin cycle. Our Radiance Jojoba Bead Scrub & Mask is a self-feeding loop that continues to encourage radiant new skin turnover.

Now you know the secret of the skin cycle and how it easy it is to speed it up!

So, if you're ready to turn back the hands of time on your skin and reveal a more youthful, vibrant complexion, try K&K Skin Products' Radiance Jojoba Bead Scrub and Mask. It's easy, effective, and will have you feeling confident and beautiful in no time.

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